Quarter Horse Program

Quarter Horse Program

The Ontario Quarter Horse Racing Industry Development Program (QHRIDP) was built on the framework outlined in the Quarter Horse Industry Development Plan. The Plan is a multi-year strategy to build a strong sustainable Quarter Horse racing and breeding industry in Ontario. The incentives and program elements have been developed (and are continuing to be developed) as part of the Ontario Quarter Horse Development Program and are targeted to meet the identified goals and objectives of the Plan – Breeding, Racing and Industry Development.

There are three key components to QHRIDP:
  1. Breeding Program

  2. Racing Program

  3. Industry Development

The QHRIDP has undergone exciting changes for 2023, read more here.

Notices to the Industry

2023 QHRIDP Program Updates
2025 Stallion Registration Information

Program Criteria

Detailed information and the rules surrounding the various program components are provided in the Quarter Horse Racing Industry Development Program Criteria Book which is published annually. It is the responsibility of all participants to make themselves aware of the eligibility requirements and the various opportunities under the Program.

2020 QHRIDP Program Criteria Book
2020-21 QHRIDP Program Approved Budget


All participants wishing to enroll mares, stallions or racehorses in the Quarter Horse Racing Industry Development Program must hold a current Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) license. Contact the AGCO to 416-326-8700 or 1-800-522-2876 or by email at customer.service@agco.ca or online at www.agco.ca 

Program Registy

Any person who wants to enter a horse or receive benefits from the Program (e.g. owners, breeders) must enroll annually in the Program Registry.
To receive benefits from the Program, a horse must be enrolled in the Program Registry.  This applies to any horse that will be racing in the current year or has the potential to race in the future.  Once a racehorse has been recorded with the Program, renewal is not required on an annual basis. Broodmares and Stallions however, must be accredited annually (see “Ontario Stallion Accreditation” and “Ontario Broodmare Accreditation”).

How to Enroll (Information Sheet)
Application to Record an Owner, Lessee or Group
Change of Contact Information Form

Submission of Forms

Forms should be submitted with all required payments to:

Ontario Racing
Quarter Horse Program
Ontario Racing c/o Woodbine Mohawk Park
PO Box 160 Campbellville, ON
L0P 1B0

Key Dates

Stallion Accreditation January 15
Third Start Bonus August 15, and 7 days after the last day of racing
Stallion Breeding Reports due November 30
Ontario Broodmare Resident in Ontario 270 days surrounding Date-of-Foaling
Ontario Broodmare Accreditation Prior to Date-of-Foaling
Application to Record a Horse or Foal 2 weeks before first race
Applications to Record an Owner/Lessee Before any horse is enrolled, or 7 days after the last day of racing to be eligible for Breeders or Stallion Awards
Mare Breeding Incentive 15 Days after the last day of racing

Breeding Program

Ontario Stallion Accreditation

Stallions must be accredited every year for their progeny to receive benefit for being Ontario Sired and for the stallion owner to receive benefit from Stallion Awards.

2025 Application to Accredit An Ontario Stallion

The list of Ontario Accredited Stallions will be updated periodically with the additions of new stallions. Please note that the Program makes no assurances that the stallions enrolled in the Program are DNA Typed for the purposes of Parentage Verification.

List of Accredited Stallions, as of March 5, 2025

2024 Stallion Awards

Ontario Broodmare Accreditation

Broodmares must be accredited every year for their progeny to receive benefit for being Ontario Bred and for the mare owner to receive benefit from Breeders’ Awards.

5 year Broodmare Report at March 4, 2025
Broodmares enrolled 2025 at March 4, 2025
2025 Application to Accredit a Broodmare

Mare Breeding Incentive

In 2023, a Mare Breeding Incentive Program is offered to encourage the breeding of racing Quarter Horses in Ontario and increase the future racing population.  Full details will be available in the 2023 Criteria Book.

To be eligible:

* Mare must have been enrolled previously in the QHRIDP or raced at Ajax Downs in 2022 or 2021
* Owner must be enrolled in the Program
* An Application must be made
* Mare must be enrolled in the Program at time of Application for Incentive
* A veterinarian's certificate must be provided showing mare is in foal 60 days or more post breeding

The incentive will be paid to the owner of the mare at time of breeding. That person or entity must be enrolled in the Program. If the mare's ownership changes, it is the responsibility of the owner at time of breeding to make an application, and provide proof of the mare being in foal 60 days or more post breeding. Applications are due no later than 15 days after the last day of racing. Applications will be approved at the discretion of the Program Administrator.  

2024 Mare Breeding Incentive Application

Breeders Awards

2024 Quarter Horse Breeders' Awards

Racing Program Information 


Stakes Program

The Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario, Inc. (QROOI)’s Stakes Program Guide is available to view and download at www.qrooi.com under the "Stakes Program" menu.

2025 Ontario Sired and Ontario Bred Stakes Schedule
QROOI 2025 Stakes Program Guide

Recognized Ontario Foaled, Ontario Bred, and Ontario Sired Horses

Racehorses, or those with potential to race in the future, are recorded in the Program Registry as Ontario Foaled, Ontario Bred, Ontario Sired or any combination. The record for that horse indicates its status which remains with the horse for life and no further application is necessary for racing purposes. 

Application to Record a Horse or Foal

The Program Registry recognizes the following horses as Ontario Bred, Ontario Foaled and/or Ontario Sired for the purposes of competing in races with these conditions, or for benefiting from programs under the Ontario Quarter Horse Racing Industry Development Program.

List of Accredited Racehorses as of March 20, 2025

This report now includes only active racehorses. For a full report, please contact the Ontario Racing office.

Ontario Quarter Horse Breeders and Trainers

A listing of local Quarter Horse breeders and trainers has been published to improve access to services and horses in Ontario’s Quarter Horse racing and breeding industry.  Any Quarter Horse breeder or trainer can be included on this list by filling out the Authorization form below and forwarding it to the Program Administrator.

Breeders and Trainers in the Quarter Horse Industry, April 5, 2023
Participant Authorization Form

Third-start bonus

A bonus of $1,000 will be paid to the owner and trainer of record following the third start for a Quarter Horse racing at Ajax Downs in 2023 that has never made a start in Ontario.

Owners and trainers must submit a 2023 Third-Start Bonus Application form for each eligible horse to the Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario Inc. (QROOI) along with documented proof of the horse’s three starts.

Should a horse be scratched prior to or not finish a race, that race will not count towards bonus eligibility for that horse.

The payment per trainer or owner will be capped at $10,000.  The Third Start Bonus will paid out twice, with applications due August 31 and seven days after the last day of racing.  Please note that beginning in  2023, applications are to be submitted to Ontario Racing

2024 Third Start Bonus Application Form

Relief Payment Details 

2021 Quarter Horse Relief Payment Recipients (June)
2021 Quarter Horse Relief Payment Recipients (May)
2020 Quarter Horse Funding Recipients