Funding Agreement

Member Information > Governance > Funding Agreement

Funding Agreement

The Funding Agreement began in 2019, incorporating feedback from the industry provided through consultations, letters and meetings with government partners, and provides up to $120 million per year for 19 years to the Ontario horse racing industry.

The result is a long-term plan that will benefit racetracks, breeders and horsepeople in Ontario by strengthening and sustaining the industry with nearly two decades of stable funding.

Ontario Racing oversees the allocation of this funding.

To learn about the governance structure of Ontario Racing, and why the organization is best suited to oversee the funding click here.

Agreement, Amendments and Key Documents

Financial Reporting

The Funding Ageement requires Ontario Racing to collect and publish a variety of industry metrics.

Ontario Racing is committed to educating and engaging stakeholders by transparently sharing data and information about various aspects of the industry.


Use of Annual Payments FY2020
Use of Annual Payments FY2021
Use of Annual Payments FY2022
Use of Annual Payments FY2023
Use of Annual Payments FY2024


Ontario Racing regulary updates the gross purse available at each racetrack for the current funding period. Click on the breed below to view a YTD purse statement for each racetrack.


The PMEG was established in 2016 by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation to oversee the efficient and effective management of funding through performance measurements. It releases quarterly fiscal industry performance results using well-established key performance indicators. These reports are available on the OLG Horse Racing website.