Industry Notice: COSA Benefits For Grooms

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Industry Notice: COSA Benefits For Grooms

March 6, 2020
Industry Notice: COSA Benefits For Grooms

In view of the recent notice of the Ontario Harness Horse Association (OHHA) regarding OHHA’s termination of benefits to grooms, Ontario Racing would encourage grooms who have not done so to join the Central Ontario Standardbred Association (COSA) in order to retain their benefits coverage.

It should be noted that the benefits program previously provided by OHHA was funded through the stranded purse program.  The stranded purse program was introduced following the closure of certain Standardbred racetracks as a result of the termination of the SARP program in Ontario.  At that time, residual purse monies from these tracks were left undistributed, and the ORC directed that these funds be distributed to the horsepersons’ associations to fund the benefits programs.

OHHA’s inability to continue to provide these benefits therefore results from the depletion of the stranded purse funds and not from any action of Ontario Racing, as indicated in OHHA’s notice.  Ontario Racing has continued to work with COSA to ensure that benefits remain available for industry participants.

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